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oclazyload + angularjs + ngroute + asp.net mvc

I´m developing an application in asp.net mvc with angularjs and I need to lazy load some of my controllers, directives, services and so on. I´ve searched deeply on web and I found this js library to work with.

so let see how my code are:

1 - LayoutPage (ASP.NET MVC)

/all my imports scripts are at the bottom of the page/

2 - app.js
var MyApp = angular.module("myAppUAI", ["ngProgress", "ngMaterial", "ngRoute", "oc.lazyLoad"]);

MyApp.config(["$routeProvider", "$ocLazyLoadProvider"
, function ($routeProvider, $ocLazyLoadProvider) {
.when("/", {
templateUrl: "/Main/Index",
controller: "progressCircularController",
resolve: {
home: function ($ocLazyLoad) {
return $ocLazyLoad.load(["/Scripts/AngularJS/Controllers/progressCircularController.js"]);
redirectTo: "/"

        debug: true,
        events: true


3 - progressCircularController.js
angular.module("myAppUAI").controller("progressCircularController", ["$rootScope", "$scope", function ($rootScope, $scope) {
$scope.key = "Marcelo Bertinatto D´ Onofrio";
4 - in my view


And finally, I´m getting a error in console like this:

ocLazyLoad.fileLoaded scripts/AngularJS/Controllers/progressCircularController.js
angular.js:14362 ocLazyLoad.componentLoaded ["myAppUAI", "register", "progressCircularController"]
angular.js:14362 ocLazyLoad.moduleReloaded myAppUAI

I've exhausted all my possibilities. Can you tell me what I´m doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.